The intent of this project is to learn how to utilize a 3D printer by modeling and printing a design that cannot be created subtractively.
My design is a box that has a top that can drop down and flip to reveal a QR Code.
Overall, this project didn't require too much finagling, because I did my research on how to use the machine properly and how to model it accurately to how it is going to print.
Print Timelapse
The design process, although the longest, was the easiest and most familiar. We've been using Fusion for about all of our projects, and using it for this design was fairly easy. I was focused on getting the demensions right, leaving enough room for the model to move around. With some help from Matthew I set a space of about 0.6 mm between two parts so that there would be a bit of budge but still some resistance. Thinking out how to make it so that it couldn't be printe negative was also difficult. Mine can be highlighted in this way by its cyllindrical interior, QR code on bottom, and hollowed out box shape. Modeling the QR Code was also difficult, because it had to match up exactly in order to be scannable.
Honestly, the final product turned out better than I expected after only one attempt.
Unfortunately, one of the pegs broke off during the support removal process, which is the biggest mistake of the entire project. Also, the QR Code is difficult to scan, and is often unsuccessful. Given another trial, I would tweak parameters and change the format of te QR code such that it was easier to read.
Overall, this product was successful and aided me in learning how to operate a 3D Printer.